MSFS 2020 liveries in MSFS 2024 don't respect registrations

Version: SU1

Frequency: Consistently

Severity: High

Marketplace package name: FSR500, TL3000, Sting S4 and anything in the simulator

Context: in flight

Bug description:
In MSFS 2020, when people installed liveries they configured to avoid having a registration number since most of them have a custom registration painted with the aircraft.

In MSFS 2024, this doesn’t work and people end up with the liveries looking like this:

Basically, they want the registration to not be there… and yet the users cannot do it, if they put the registration blank in the aircraft identification MSFS 2024 always sets one… and if they try to put a configuration in the livery panel.cfg to skip the dynamic registration, then it gets ignored:

They need some means to disable the dynamic registration like they did back in MSFS 2020… and this is not working anymore in MSFS 2024 since release, we tested with SU1 and the problem continues.

Repro steps:
Install this free livery in MSFS 2024 community folder:

load FSR500 and load the livery you will see the issue.


definitely an issue - is this the same as Atc_id from aircraft.cfg is not used any more ?

Hello @SimbolFSReborn

I think this issue is racked through multiple reports already.
@B21 mentioned one, and this one is related as well:
Panel.CFG content is not longer getting overwritten - [MSFS 2024] Bug Reports / Aircraft - MSFS DevSupport


Hi Silvain,

Glad to hear is all tracked… this is still happening with SU1 btw.


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