MSFS 2020 Planes - HTML/JS Input fields not working with Xbox


Frequency: Consistently

Severity: Blocker

Marketplace package name: FSReborn FSR500

Context: in flight

Bug description:

On xbox the keyboard functions don’t work anymore to put data into the input fields in HTML/JS, in addition after pressing enter to pass the data, the fields remain locked and as a result it makes the views to freeze causing the aircraft to be unable to be operated.

This video illustrates the problem:

Repro steps:

Load FSR500, open the EFB, go to Settings, try to input something in the Simbrief ID like in the video posted.

The same process in MSFS 2020 works perfectly fine.

NOTE: If the user attaches a mouse and uses the virtual keyboard on my EFB, things work… so the issue is with the XBOX Keyboard and the controller it seems.
