[MSFS 2024] Please add small information tips in the SDK that provide Blender context

The material and modeling and texturing is given in detail for 3DS. Please provide small tips in the documentation that provide a context for Blender developers.

example - 3ds makes references to “helper” nodes. In blender I believe these could be “empties”
when 3ds talks about the x0_ being required for the babylon exporter, Blender context could be collections?

skin meshes in 3ds - armatures bones skinned mesh

Animation groups in 3ds - are animations with the same name and all the actions pushed down into NLA channels.

Sometimes Key Frames start at zero, sometimes they don’t rest position for armatures, what would they be?

Animation baking is required in blender yes/No when?

I know you can’t keep a separate complete Blender documentation, but where there is a difference, please make a note.

Also a Blender DA62 blend file would be helpful also. And a GLTFMaterial blend file with examples of all the materials.

Edit also fueltruck and GPU cart truck template fuel nozzle and gpu plug

EDIT2: I left out the scenery guys - some love for them too, please.