MSFS 2024 WASM Gauge Package Not Loading


I am creating my own package containing a WASM gauge, however MSFS 2024 does not load my WASM gauge, even though the VFS displays it as loaded.
This has worked very well in MSFS 2020 and my WASM gauge is built with the MSFS 2024 SDK. My package is registering correctly, it is mounted and the path is displayed correctly in DevMode\Tools\Virtual File System\Browse

As a sample, this can be tested with the GdiPlusModule.wasm example, moving the WASM gauge module to its own package renders the whole aircraft unusable.

Exmaple of a WASM package: MSFS 2024 Community\MySamplePackage\Wasm\GdiPlusModule.wasm
Example from a panel.cfg entry which does not work: htmlgauge00=WasmInstrument/WasmInstrument.html?wasm_module=Wasm\GdiPlusModule.wasm&wasm_gauge=Compass

Looking into the CoherentGTDebugger does not result in the WASM file being loaded, the Cohernet call: “ShowVCockpitPanel” provides null data for this gauge, while it works for other gauges where the WASM is placed by the panel.cfg file.

This package system works fine with JavaScript gauges, but not with WASM gauges, which defies the purpose of packages if we can not properly use them.

What can be done in order to get this resolved? This is a big show stopper bug, so any response is greatly appreciated.

To further add to this, the GdiPlusModule.wasm gets copied to the VFSProjection:

So this package/WASM file definitely gets loaded by MSFS 2024, as can be also confirmed in the screenshot below, showing the correct VFS Browse as well as the console mounting the package.
The WASM Debug window does not show the file being loaded, just fcr-embedded.

Hi @tiberiu11

It will be difficult to help you without seeing more of your package - maybe the full panel.cfg would help to start with.
Have you checked that the WasmAircraft SDK sample works as expected on your machine?

Best regards,

Eric / Asobo

@EPellissier I have sent a pm to @PrivateContent with a zip file containing the panel.cfg and a sample package based on the WasmAircraft GdiPlusModule.wasm

What I have uploaded is the most basic example of moving the GdiPlusModule.wasm to its own package. So the GdiPlusModule.wasm does not reside in the same folder as the panel.cfg, but in a different package.

Yes, the WasmAircraft SDK works fine on my machine.

To further explain this, I need to create a package for an Instrument that can be installed in multiple aircraft. This has been possible in MSFS 2020 as both WASM and JS, but in MSFS 2024 it only works as JS. For some unknown reason, the WASM instrument is not loaded, yet the package is valid and is mounted. In this regards, we do not have backwards compatibility with MSFS 2020 projects.

Please let me know if more information or files are needed.

Hello @EPellissier

This bug is highly critical for us as it disables our product and this causes huge issues with the users. Through this message, we offer our entire availability to help diagnose the issue and get it resolved as soon as possible. Thank you very much.

To sum up the bug in as few words: any add-on aircraft that wants to integrate a GNS/G3X/G1000NXi from a JS package can alias it from the panel.cfg file, but not a WASM gauge. This has worked very well in MSFS2020.


The issue seems identical to that reported in this bug and hence should be fixed at the same time: WASM gauge package not loaded by aircraft add-ons - #2 by TimHendrik

Best regards,

Eric / Asobo