Is anyone else having issues, or has had issues trying to access this forum recently? I found today that I can’t log in any more if I’m using Firefox.
The site no longer remembers my login details, and when I try to log in manually - I get taken straight to a new sign up screen where my username & email are ‘already in use’.
But if I use Chrome - I get in automatically as soon as the screen loads.
Firefox is still working for me to login to the DevSupport SDK support platform … but there are now an increasing number of other websites, that do not render correctly in Firefox browsers.
I’m not sure its actually Firefox that’s the issue. I had to clear the history cache on Firefox as I was getting performance issues and haven’t been able to log in since.
I haven’t needed to clear Chrome’s history, so the stored login details still work.
But as firefox doesn’t have the automatic login details anymore, I’m forced to try to manually login. But when I try, hitting the login button… I get the signup window instead of the login window.
That’s the first issue - sign up appearing instead of login. But also - I can’t sign up even if I wanted to, since both my username and email address are already used.
Ideally, I’d report this to some kind of support team, but I can’t find anywhere to raise any support issues.