Multijetway Support

Hi, as you know there is some widebody aircrafts like pmdg 777, inibuilds A350 and FBW A380 has announced. Furhtermore there is already some freeware wide bodies. And in the sim it is not possible to connect dual jetway to them by default or with GSX. And we will be requiring this feature when more wide body aircrafts relased for the best realism. Thankyou and have a good work.

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Agreed… given many of the sceneries available to us have dual jetways awaiting usage. Shouldn’t be too hard to implement?

Hopefully this year.

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Bump, bump, bump.

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With the release of heavy airplanes like 777 and A380, this is even a bigger must. If not for 2020 at least for 2024 there should be some sort of support. It is ridiculous for Microsoft Flight Simulator, in 2024, to not support attaching multiple jetways to a plane. When will this sim focus on airliners for once instead of useless stuff like careers and arcade stuff and be a sim…

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Bump Bump Bump It Up! Really hoping for multiple jetway connections now that we have all these stellar widebodies from the likes of PMDG and FBW. Hopefully can be implemented in MSFS 2024.

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Hi everyone,

Sorry for this but multi jetways are not scheduled to be available for release.
I don’t have any ETA on this feature at the moment.

Best regards,

Eric / Asobo

Hi Eric,

Thank you for advising of this. Please please if ASOBO can add Multi Jetway Support at the earliest opportunity, earlier sim versions like FSX had it and it really adds to airport developers immersion providing realistic airports. Larger Airliners are and have been developed that rely on this for authentic airport operations. Especially now the FBW A380 has arrived!

Kind regards Duncan