Multiple .loc files for a single project?

Hi all,
How to build a single project which has 2 aircraft folders if each of them has it’s own Localization folder with a separate .loc file?
Thank you!

The long read:
[10/2 7:58 PM] Ophelia
Hi Hamlet, the way this aircraft was submitted has two separate aircraft in the hangar that are selectable, and the difference is not just in selecting different liveries. In this situation we require that there is a separate hangar description for each variant. That is why there are two separate hangar descriptions and instructions for integrating them into your package for the XXX-100. I hope this is helpful. You can integrate these into your next update submission for the XXX-100. Thank you!

[10/5 1:41 PM] Hamlet
Hi Ophelia, the XXX-100 is a single project with a single .locPak file. So I don’t see a technical possibility to build TWO .loc files into it. I think one product always requires ONE .loc file covering all aircraft variations included in the product. If not please explain how to build TWO .loc files into a single .locPak file. Thanks.

[10/5 8:48 PM] Horatio
Hi Hamlet, as Ophelia described, we require that individual variants, no matter how minor, have individual Hangar descriptions (.loc files).
In this case the XXX-100 has two variants (by folder name) XXX_YY and XXX_ZZ. Here’s how you will implement the two .loc files:

  • Under the XXX_YY PackageSources folder, you will create a folder name Localization.
  • Into the Localization folder, you will copy the aircraft.loc file from here: aircraft.loc
    -You will then edit the description key in the aircraft.cfg file for the XXX_YY, and change the string to read description = “TT:AIRCRAFT.DESCRIPTION.YY”
  • Repeat the above for XXX_ZZ folder.
  • The description key in the XXX_ZZ aircraft.cfg should read description = “TT:AIRCRAFT.DESCRIPTION.ZZ”
  • Build the package as normal, then check the hangar description for each aircraft to ensure they are properly hooked up to the respective aircraft.loc files.
    Please let me know if you have any questions about this process and I will do my best to help you out.

[11/22 5:11 PM] Hamlet
Hi Horatio, thanks for the tip but that doesn’t work. I’ve created the extra PackageSources\SimObjects\Airplanes\XXXF_YY\Localization folder, and edited both TT:AIRCRAFT.DESCRIPTION.XX lines. But the builder just gives a bunch of loc related errors like “LocaleCompilerCommand_G | Duplicate entry ‘AIRCRAFT.DESCRIPTION’ for language: ‘en-US’” and builds ONE en-US.locPak in the \Packages.

[Tuesday 9:39 PM] Horatio
Hi Hamlet, can you confirm you’ve created the localization folder under both PackageSources\SimObjects\Airplanes\XXXF_YY\ and PackageSources\SimObjects\Airplanes\XXXF_ZZ\ and placed the respective aircraft.loc files into the folders? The respective aircraft.cfg files for XXXF_YY and XXXF_ZZ will need to be edited to use “TT:AIRCRAFT.DESCRIPTION.GE” for XXXF_YY and “TT:AIRCRAFT.DESCRIPTION.PW” for XXXF_ZZ.

[Wednesday 3:36 PM] Hamlet
Hi Horatio, right that’s exactly what I did. The editing of the “TT:AIRCRAFT.DESCRIPTION” just doesn’t make any difference, produces the same “Duplicate entry” errors if there are 2 Localization folders in the project.

[Friday 8:09 PM] Horatio
Hi Hamlet, at this point I can only recommend you reach out on the SDK Q&A forums. It has happened in the past that the process to integrate localization files has changed unknowingly, so Asobo may need to help you sort this out.

Hello @abarvalg ,

Each .loc file must have it’s own unique identifier (UUID) AND it’s own unique parameters


"LocalisationFile": {
    "Version": 2,
    "UUID": "f96fa9a5-ea86-4b8e-886d-bad13bb414e8",
    "Strings": {
        "UUID": "77104f20-b8d5-4c46-9d5c-94ac80d1eb35",


"LocalisationFile": {
    "Version": 2,
    "UUID": "2ff233b9-1a2b-440f-8993-edabb93e87b8",
    "Strings": {
        "UUID": "c762f053-ec16-418b-95a0-577370257f8a",
  • You can’t have two same UUID or two same PARAMETERS NAME

Also, be sure to make a clean project after having fixed this. Just in case.

Hope it helps
