My Feedback about WorldHub at the current state

So I guess it’s time to tell you all a story of my life…I’m kidding :sweat_smile:

There’s a lot of speaking about “WorldHub missing this, that and etc” but I don’t understand why so few mentioning about availability of this program… In my opinion it’s the most important problem right now.
You see WorldHub going to be free and available for everyone in future and it troubles me a lot. Most of the alpha testers just load their favorite aiport moving windsocks and typing in forums something like “WorldHub is garbage, I’m leaving it”… These people should be deleted from the program. But we’re in closed alpha right now and I’m really scared to see what it’s going to be like in a full realese…
So my opinion on this subject is - we should keep WorldHub sealed or have some kind of test period for a developer to prove that he can work in SDK.

Anyway, back to the feedback itself. I’m quite satisfied with WorldHub and I really like it. Most of an airports that I’m working on recieve mini scenario update with my hands. That’s satisfiyng. It’d be great to have more possibilities to edit buildings and lights, but I’m also like the way it looks right now.

You see I’m Xbox Series X|S player myself and I’m not working just for me. I’m living in a country that’ll never recieve any World Updates or even paid sceneries on that platform. All of airports I’m working on are from the community requests from my country. WorldHub is a real savior for us! There’s no alternative at all… I wish I can do more but for now it’s so much better to have this program active.

I hope all of our airports will be succesfully exported to MSFS 2024. I really do. If they won’t, so what’s the point of making aiports if they going to be trashed? WorldHub will realese comletely dead. Because no one going to repair airports because it’ll be deleted after 2 years,3?

Also I would like to tell my concerns about lack of communication from Asobo… But I won’t :sweat_smile: I don’t know if complaining at these forums really helps… So I’ll keep it silent for now :slightly_smiling_face:

And the last thing I want to thank Microsoft and Asobo for such an opportunity to help the community. And I will do it more (At least as long as my airports not trashed). I hope this program somehow going to help me to build a portfolio for a full partnership with Microsoft to add my scenaries to MSFS marketplace. :slightly_smiling_face:

Have a great time everyone and I wish you a productive works :wink: :slightly_smiling_face:

P.S. Sorry for my English, I read a lot, but not talking much in this language… :roll_eyes: