My World Hub control tower flattened a hill

Regarding: Airport

Frequency: Today is the first day that the airport has been published. I restarted once to see if the hill would still be flattened, and it is. So for now, it’s two out of two times, but that information is inconclusive because today is day one.

For DevMode bugs, please include the game version:

Bug description:
I submitted SAWH airport to the world hub. Today, it was published with AIRAC cycle 2404.

In real life, this control tower and the adjacent building are on a hill. That hill existed while I was building the airport in the scenery editor. The hill in MSFS may not have been as big as in real life (although maybe it was…the sim has a way of making things look smaller than they are), but the hill was definitely there. When I exported the airport and loaded it from my Community folder, I recall it being there, too. Now, with the airport deleted out of the Community folder and the airport in the base simulator with today’s AIRAC update, the hill is gone.

Two things to note:

  1. During development, without me touching it, the tower mesh (that red wireframe you see in the scenery editor for the control tower) would bounce up and down from session to session. I don’t mean that I would actively move it or see it move dynamically during my editing session, but sometimes, I would start MSFS and the mesh was way higher than the tower, and sometimes I would start MSFS and it was lower. I don’t know if that had anything to do with it, but I’ll throw that out there.
  2. The elevation of that apron is approximately 80 ft MSL (I ascertained this by starting an aircraft on the ramp with a QNH of 29.92 and looking at an altimeter.) In the source XML for my airport, tower’s altitude is 44.4 m, or 175.7 ft high, so it definitely should be higher than the ramp:
    <Tower parentGroupID="1" groupIndex="2" lat="-54.83984778544463" lon="-68.30454244083842" alt="44.42061877435693" overrideSize="SMALL" overrideLevel="4"/>

Repro steps:

  1. Start a flight at SAWH airport. The spots at ramp 6-15 are the closest ones to the tower.
  2. Look at the tower.

Expected result:
The tower is on a small hill and so is the adjacent building.

Observed result:
There is no hill. The tower and adjacent building are at the same level as the apron where spots 6-15 are.

Picture of the tower taken from the ramp where spots 6-15 are:

Edit: Turns out, I have a “before” picture of the hill, just to prove that it was there. (I screenshotted this for other reasons, obviously. This happened by simply loading the airport project.) I put a box around the hill. The image is warped because this was cropped from the edge of my screen and I have an ultrawide monitor.

Hello there :smiley:

I did a quick check on this issue.
It’s the expected behavior, for many reasons, we apply an automatic terraforming on “all airports” but this option isn’t available/visible in the Scenery Editor world hub mode, that’s why you can see the hill when you are doing an edition.

You can display the terraforming debug here (yellow rectangle with yellow dots = terraforming enabled) :

Hi Nicolas,

When you say you do an automatic terraforming on all airports, does that mean that this terraforming would have happened even if I didn’t put that control tower there? Or did the terraforming happen because of the control tower? Also, may I ask, why does the terracorming happen? There is a hill there in real life, so it seems strange that the sim would seek to take it away.

I mean that this terraforming would have happened even if you didn’t put that control tower there.
This auto terraform exist since the launch of FS 2020 to avoid any hilly airports. It’s big to include all the airport, or any crack on it

Okay, thank you! And I appreciate the response and explanation.

I will add that it’s a little bit of a shame that this terraforming happens so heavy-handedly. One of the selling points before MSFS came out was sloped runways. If this terraforming job flattens airports, it seems like something like this will bring airports back to FSX in this regard.

I understand the need not to have scenery tears, but this terraforming seems to have some unintended consequences.

Anyway, I don’t mean to put you on the spot. No need to answer. I just wanted to express my thoughts on this.