Need C# SDK and WASM assist

I have a MSFS program nearly ready to beta but it needs some expansion and better graphics (currently text only).

It is a auto co-pilot that can help fly a plane (any plane eventually) currently the A320 (stock) . This is nearly complete. IT can mostly fly from just after takeoff to landing touch down for IFR flights.
I want to add configurations for many other planes. I have written it in c# with an WASM module.

Next… I need to add C172 so add G1000 interface.


I ORIGINALLY INTENDED IT TO assist pilots with VATSIM by handling many functions . For example, It can create dialog for ATC requests. Handle turn and altitude requests. It can handle landing gear, flaps, speed and navigation.

david zenmusic

I have this working to some small degree.

where would I find the list of LVARs


Specifically at the moment I want the LVAR for the ASOBO A320 LS button on the EFIS.

Enable Dev Mode in general options, then in the Demode toolbar Tools → Behaviors then the LocalVariables tab.

It will update to show whatever L vars are currently in the system, eg. after loading a new aircraft. Note however that L vars are never removed, so after a few loaded models the list gets pretty long and as far as I know there’s no way to tell which model actually uses which vars (never mind for what:stuck_out_tongue: ).

If you want to get a list of L vars programmatically… there’s no way I know of via SimConnect.
In a WASM module / with Gauge API you could do it eg. like this:

(Or use WASimCommander… :wink: ).


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I have list of bugs in the latest release…

Send a TUG_SPEED event when before pushback is active and the plane will jump and bounce like rabbit.