Not loading contents of bgl in older scenery (FS2020 compatibility)


Frequency: Consistently

Severity: High
(Low - quality of life, workflow optimization, rare enough to not impact production, etc…
High - critical but workarounds are available, important feature not working as expected, frequent enough to impact production
Blocker - prevents from working on the project, prevents from releasing the product)

Context: ENBO freeware that has been working in FS2020 for 4 years, placed in 2024 community folder.

Similar MSFS 2020 issue:

Bug description: In this older scenery, FS2024 is not loading the contents of the main enbo-airport.bgl file.
(This is an old scenery created before the SDK updates, and the bgl files are located in /scenery/global/scenery/, and rebuilding it to current standards may fix this, but I am posting for info about out-of-the-box compatibility)

**Repro steps:**Install package in community folder, look at ENBO in FS2020 and in FS2024

Attachments: - Google Drive

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I can confirm this. Some objects from our marketplace products do not load when placed in the 2024 community folder.

Hi @WombiiActual
It looks like there is a mismatch for the enbo-airport.bgl size:

  • In your layout.json, the size is 163’845 bytes
  • On the disk, the file has a size of 167’154 bytes
    If I fix the size in the layout.json, everything loads correctly. Do you have an idea why there is this mismatch ?

Xavier / Asobo

Thank you for letting me know!
I do not know why there is a mismatch, but that is a good explanation for why it wouldn’t load in FS2024. I have seen that it is more sensitive to that than FS2020. The package worked in FS2020, but it is good to know that that is a thing that can be quickly checked and fixed when encountering issues like that.

Maybe this BGL was copy/paste ?
You should see this warning in the console:

This mismatch is causing issues during the scenery index generaion, I’m adding error message when it occurs.

Xavier / Asobo

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