PackageToolConfig version is too low in file D:\MSFS Developer\Sceneries\scenery-project\scenery-project.xml (got 0, expected 2). Please update the XML file to correct version

Hoping someone nows what I am missing here??

keep getting this error when trying to build and export my project.

PackageToolConfig version is too low in file D:\MSFS Developer\Sceneries\scenery-project\scenery-project.xml (got 0, expected 2). Please update the XML file to correct version

  • I have the latest SDK.
  • I have tried starting over from scratch with new projects.
  • checked the naming structure in the xml files over and over.
  • searched and googled to solutions that did not work (not many and most are dated).

Im 5 days into the hole on a project now and it has really been an uphill battle with the SDK, but guess that is classic MS :wink:

Anyway, hoping someone outthere can give me some pointers.


Pretty sure you are trying to compile something else rather than the Project .xml
(Like your placement .xml or maybe some of your models .xml)

A Project .xml must contain this line

<Project Version="2" Name="theProjectName" FolderName="Packages">

Infact, the line contains the version 2 indicated in the packagetool error :nerd_face:

Could be that you have accidentally overwritten the Project.xml with your placement .xml when you where asked for the folder where to save it (on the first time Save Scenery was pressed)

The above used error is quite common, maybe the Team could find a way to automatically select the right folder for this file (at a least a BGL asset group folder!)

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Thx. Will check it out… I am convinced that the error is mine :slight_smile: Been out of the Scenery design game for 2 years, so I am pretty rusty in some areas and pretty much have to learn everything all over again :slight_smile:

So i should be saving to the xml file located in the sceneryproject/packagedefinitions/my.xml and not the sceneryproject/my.xml ? (the only two xml’s ive got besides the ones in the models themselves.

The only moment you are asked to save a .xml is when you press “Save Scenery” in the scenery editor for the first time
In the precise moment, a file dialog opens asking you were you want to save a file (that will will be the .xml containg all the placement data)

The location where to save this is the location of your scenery (BGL) AssetGroup

You have to choose the name for this file, the name can be whatever name.
However, if you unawares overwrite one of the .xml already available in the project you will end up with errors like the one you shown in the opening topic

That’s what I thought. However there are no .xml file available in the packageSources/scene folder… it appears empty. and no xml file is generated. Should i just keep the object.xml file that I get from the samplescenery package and instead rename that? Or how do I generate a custom xml file for the placement?

thx for all your help btw… its pure gold to me :slight_smile:

(My advice is to avoid touching the Samples project
You should create your own using the wizards)

The object.xml (or whatever name it has) is created in the exact moment you press Save Scenery in the scenery editor, and you are asked where to save that file (and to input its name)

If you don’t mind sharing the project, will take a look and fix that, you can of course avoid all models and textures cause they are not needed

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THink I got it working now thx to your guidance i figured out what i was doing wrong (lots of things) let me know if you have any sceneries of the .org, might go and buy you a beer there :slight_smile:

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You wouldn’t happy to know if it is possible to somehow edit or exclude the exclusion zone of a 3rd party airport? Working on improving one that has worse textures and sloppy exclusion zones causing it to flatten the photogrametry of the city the airport is in. Sloopy of flytampa but cant find any way to “cut away” or trim the exclusion zones layed down by this developer.

Using exclusionRectangles you should be able to remove the polygons they have used to remove photogrammetry

something about them here on my channel (in the video the excludeLibraryObjects is used to remove scenery objects, but as you can see there is also an exclusionPolygon option)
just make sure that the name of your package comes after the one you want to remove stuff from

you mention the .org in previous message, maybe you are talking about .to?
if have quite some stuff there

Cheers! - Profile of mamu82

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Yeah i meant the .to (org from my old xp11 days) … I actually watched some of your vids last night whilst trying to figure out what my issue was… they helped alot!

With regards to the exclude triangle I dont think it would work, I think the issue is firstly the mesh they put over the MSFS one to make their airport. And without knowing the origin point I also fear it would be hard if not impossible to excluse parts of a mesh. But will definately play around with it. :slight_smile: