Payload station locations

Hey all, I’m trying to figure out the location of the payload stations for a
given aircraft. Right now I’m able to find how they individually affect the CG
but can’t reliably figure out where they are. I would like to see that
implemented and be made available through SimConnect. Alternatively, getting
the wing root chord via SimConnect would enable us to calculate it indirectly.
Thank you!

Currently fuel and paylod data are locked and unable to be accessed by 3rd
party devs. Would be nice to open this up so it can be used by devs to create
content with specific mission scnerios.

Currently fuel and paylod data are locked and unable to be accessed by 3rd
party devs. Would be nice to open this up so it can be used by devs to create
content with specific mission scnerios.

Bump. Getting something like “PAYLOAD_STATION_POSITION” would be insanely
useful. Thank you!