PILOT_TRANSMIT_CHANNEL sets com_receive at the same time

Version: SDK 0.24

Frequency: Consistently


When calling the event PILOT_TRANSMIT_CHANNEL , the corresponding com_receive event is set to 1 too.

Therefore, on an airliner it’s possible to listen to a VHF if the transmit button is pushed even if the volume knob is NOT.

However, if PILOT_TRANSMIT_CHANNEL is at 4 (None), it is possible to set com_receive to 0/1 at your convenience.

Is there a fix planned?

Thx a lot!

Hello @byqzer

COM RECEIVE returns 1 if it is receiving or transmitting.
Have a look at COM RECEIVE EX1, it was introduced for that exact reason.
We’ll make sure to review the documentation on this.

Let me know if that’s ok for you.
