Hi all, I am new in the forum and playing around with the simconnect interface and ATC controlled AI traffic.
I am able to select liveries, aircraft and flightplans to inject them into the AI system.
My problem is, that I am not able to define the position, where the AI controlled aircraft will be placed. Either AICreateParkedATCAircraft and AICreateEnrouteATCAircraft will place the objects not only on a free taxiway parking, but sometimes kill other planes already occupying the parking area. Only possibility for customized placing is to do it with AICreateNonATCAircraft, but then I am not able to give the object to ATC controlled and load a flightplan with AiSetAircraftFlightPlan for it.
Has anyone worked already in this direction and can give me a hint, if and how I can place ATC controlled Aircraft on customized position?
Many Thx !