Plane loads without fuel after several package rebuilds

Version: SU/AAU/WU XX -

Frequency: Consistently

Severity: Low

Context: When you compile a plane many times

Bug description:
When doing many package rebuilds, like when tuning the flight model, the plane, after perhaps 4 or 6 ‘builds’, the plane loads with zero fuel. This is really bad when you are testing ‘in’ a flight, airborn, and you have to keep pausing the flight, clicking on fuel, reloading tanks, then back to where you are at in the process of tuning a plane, checking animations, etc.

Repro steps:
Build a project plane in flight 6 times, see how that goes. Its not only in ‘flights’. Its on the ground also. When you do a build of the package, the sim pauses, the package is rebuilt, the plane disappears momentarily, and then completely rebuilds into the scene again, new, but should have the same fuel loadout, etc… But after many builds, the plane suddenly starts ‘not’ loading with fuel. This has been going on for perhaps 2+ years. Funny/odd that its still happening.


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