Dear Asobo, There is some strange behavior I am noticing with MSFS and the
ShaftThurst calculation. I tweaked my numbers as per POH, and all is good,
everything matching perfectly, for this I used loading the airplane ready for
taxi on the runway since the airplane was up and running… the calculated
torque, etc. was spot on ISA 0, and follows perfectly at different altitudes.
However today when I loaded the airplane from the Apron state, I noticed the
values are totally off, like the formulas are not calibrated anymore, this is
happening on the same airport, same ISA conditions, temperature, etc. To test,
I reloaded again on “taxi” and again the formulas are perfect… re-loaded from
Apron… all ruined… is like somehow loading from Apron (cold / dark) vs Taxi
causes a different set of calculations to take place? Here is a picture of the
engines debug, from apron the prop is running at 1332 and the ShaftThrust is
way too high at the same N1.
Then from Taxi flight load, perfect numbers as calibrated:
Surely the method of loading a
flight should not affect these figures? I am at lost here, unable to
understand the reason and what I need to do to correct the problem. Have you
guys noticed this before? what could be the reason? I triple checked
everything, the weather conditions are the same, even copied the taxi.flt
values to the apron.flt values, and made no difference,the behavior persist…
Can anyone from Asobo please help? And to everyone else, have other 3rd party
developers noticed this before? Best, Raul