I noticed a problem with
Rectangles and Polygons in terraforming mode. If I put a very small falloff of
1 or 5 meters as soon as I lift the polygon or the rectangle a kind of basin
is created, if I lift both the polygon and the rectangle so much then the
surface becomes homogeneous. If instead I put a good distance of about
30-50-100 meters of falloff then everything is fine. This new kind of
terraforming would be great as you can almost create walls. But with small
falloff this problem exists. Thank you Musoni Giampaolo
Ciao Giampaolo It is a know issue a you might consider reading the answer in
this 3d https://devsupport.flightsimulator.com/t/3348 But since su11 beta
you can enable the new ground terraforming method (the old one is enabled by
default) in options/ground/old terraforming, it will increase the terrain
resolution and hopefully remove the jagged edges Hope is gonna be standard in
Hi Federico, thank you for your comprehensive reply. I wasn’t aware of this
setting. Thank you