Programmatic Panel Pop out

Bonjour, I am currently trying to find a way to use SimConnect to
programmatically pop out a panel on a Boeing plane (Right ALT + Left Click).
There are several Simulation Events listed in the SDK that are associated to
the panel. I have used my SimConnect Test Harness (C++ .exe) to trigger a
SimConnect_TransmitClientEvent for each of these events using multiple indexes
with no result.

I have also used a .wasm module to trigger_key_event on all the KEY EVENTS
associated to panel in the gauges.h (i.e. KEY_PANEL_ID_TOGGLE,

There are also several FSAPI functions that have the word “panel” in them but
they are not listed in the SDK so I am not sure they are supported anymore. Is
there anyway to trigger a panel pop out without using the hotkey combination,
for instance with SimConnect or the glass cockpit? I am also curious as to
what these simulation events are supposed to be doing to the panel? Thanks

Hello @ZmanBarzell Those events are coming from FSX and don’t do anything in
the simulation, they should have been marked as “Not used in the simulation”,
it will be changed in the documentation. Unfortunately it’s not possible to
spawn a panel the same way that with right ALT + left click with Simconnect.
Best regards, Yohan

This is an interesting question. Do you think we can use an in-game panel as
an alternative?

Hello @ericmarciano It is currently not possible in the sim and we do not plan
to add it in the next update. Best regards, Yohan