Projected mesh with Blend mode transparency does not appear


Frequency: Consistently

Severity: Blocker

Bug description:

Projected mesh with any kind of alpha does not appear at all. The model is technically there but is totally invisible. Confirmed by making material Opaque, then seeing the ground. Reverting back to Blend makes it invisible. We are now unable to continue development and are missing the Marketplace deadline.

Repro steps:

Create mesh, make semi transparency material, export and place as project mesh, any layer order.

you cannot use any material configurations/properties for projected meshes. You need to lower the opacity/alpha of the texture itself.

You can use straight glTF in the sim. Using Blender, with a straight glTF material, I can project a surface with the desired alpha percentage.

Hey guys, FYI this was fixed with the latest SU1 update. Transparency with projected mesh now works correctly.