The problem persists and in the demo project of the problem that I sent you, the scale is 1 in the XML and it is only one projected mesh. The project sent comes from the sample of the sdk. We noticed that in the GLTF of the demo there is the scale as a parameter, while in the one exported with the 2024 sdk the scale parameter is not present.
<!--SceneryObject name: PlaneAsphalt-->
<SceneryObject lat="25.04575197000920" lon="-77.46249919235127" alt="-10.00332859702968" pitch="0.000656" bank="-0.000656" heading="134.966888" imageComplexity="VERY_SPARSE" altitudeIsAgl="TRUE" snapToGround="FALSE" snapToNormal="FALSE">
<LibraryObject name="{B0FCE23F-D7B4-461A-809B-747080A1BBC3}" scale="1"/>