Projected meshes only working in close proximity of airports


Frequency: Consistently

Severity: Blocker

Aerosoft Antarctica EGAR Rothera (outer bases)
Aerosoft Antarctica YWKS Casey (main base and islands)

Bug description:
In MSFS2020 it was possible to but ProjectedMeshes connected to an airport further away from the airport as long as they remained in the “airport test radius”. This was and so far seems the only reasonable way to cover larger areas with custom aerial imagery where the CGL limit of 1GB/file would be reached in no time.
After some experimenting it seems that only a few (5?) kms from the airport center suffice that the resolution of the projected mesh reduces drastically.

Not nice and a blocker for many products’ compatibility as long at the CGL limitations remain!

~8km out:

Same PM, near airport centerpoint:

Did you try adding them as independent projected mesh?

Thank you @mamuDesign !
Independent projected meshes would definitely help but having their resolution limited would rip apart all me previous projects that cover a larger area because placing them in tiles is a tricky thing, particularly in extreme latitudes where projection offsets vary every few kilometers and offsets between the tiles are extremely hard to avoid.

I was going to try to find out as which distance they become blurry but due to the texturing issues in the new SDK couldn’t find out which texture format is required to make the textures displayed on a projected mesh (MTL_BITMAP_DECAL0 doesn’t work, projected meshes won’t show):

Hello @Sasa

Is this still an issue in
If so, you please give us the location of the island featured in your screenshot?
Also, I could only get my hands on aerosoft-egar-antarctica-rothera and aerosoft-ycsk-antarctica-rcasey, but not any YWKS scenery package so if you could send it to us, this would be appreciated.


Hi @FlyingRaccoon
aerosoft-ycsk-antarctica-casey is the same as YWKS (it contains both airports). From what I can see, good news, it seems to have been resolved in! :slight_smile:

Just a bit hard to see in most Antarctic locations as the issue with the persistent snow layer is still there.