Provide a standalone package tool


In the SDK files, there already is an executable that can quickly build a
package. However, this is not standalone and requires the simulator to be
installed. For our use, the current system is not ideal. If a user submits a
pull request to modify the model, they must upload both the new .blend file,
as well as the compiled assets. The entire export and build process are in the
hands of the user. Ideally, we would just have the user submit the .blend
file, and implement a build workflow that exports and builds the .gltf
files. That is not possible currently, as the package tool requires the
simulator. Is it possible to add a standalone package tool to the SDK?

This would be amazing. The current build system is not at all suitable for
continuous integration and modern development practices in general. It’s not
feasible to need a ~100 GiB application in CI container images.

You don’t need much more than the base install and the fs-base folder to get
the package tool to run.

While this may be true, we can’t include the sim’s base install with the build
system, as that would be a form of piracy.

It would be nice to get a response from Asobo on this

Hi there, Although we might consider doing this in the future, there’s
currently nothing scheduled regarding a stand-alone package builder. Best
regards, Eric / Asobo

+1 on this idea. It would be both useful and way more reliable