Other than showing a painted line is there an actual behaviour or appropriate use case associated with the ILS Hold short nodes? From testing, it seems AI and ATC ignore the ILS Hold short node type and only the actual “hold short” nodes are the only ones that determine if an aircraft can enter or exit a runway. There also seems to be an unconfirmed bug where AI traffic seems to ignore all hold shorts and enter the runway if there is an ILS Hold short followed by a regular hold short. This behaviour is fixed when deleting the ILS hold short. As far as I am aware there is also no CATII/III implementation in the ATC anyway so there is no way for the in-game ATC to tell if aircraft must hold short the CAT lines. Consequently, I’m led to believe that it’s not necessary to implement the ILS hold short nodes if you either make a ground polygon with the ILS marking or do it with the painted lines instead.
Hey, long time no see!
I have not done any official test on it, but I do believe you are right on the ILS hold short lines. There was a discussion in the other forums the other day, and that was the consensus there, too.
As an aside, quite frankly, I wonder if it will ever be implemented. I know I don’t have to tell you that in the real world, ATC could tell you to hold short of any taxiway. Yet, we as developers don’t put hold short points on every taxiway (nor should we – they would just get ignored anyway). My hope is that 2024 would come with more sophisticated ATC with traffic that knows where to stop without being told where. That would include ILS hold short lines.