[QUESTION]Input Events: cannot capture mixture & conditioning lever axess

I’ve been trying to make a custom condition lever for a few days to no avail.
The goal is to capture the user’s mixture events and manipulate them to
control the engine’s fuel flow directly. I’ve successfully captured every
input event except for AXIS_MIXTURE_SET, AXIS_MIXTURE1/2/3/4_SET These
eventIDs seem to be completely ignored by the InputEvent interface. Is there a
way to capture them?

I have been able to successfully capture AXIS MIXTURE1 SET and AXIS MIXTURE2
SET in WASM. Here is a link to the source code I used to implement a mixture
controller in turbocharged piston engines:
The code captures mixture K events and manipulates the mixture setting based
on hardware input and internal calculations.

@SWS-AlexVletsas you ever got this working via normal input events? I just
wasted an entire night trying to do the same for my Condition Lever… and
nothing! I gave up and tested via WASM (my own code, just saw this post) and I
was able to capture the Mixture events. Best, Raul