[Question] Taxiway signs & designating taxiway names to match


I’m trying to find documentation on how to properly designate taxiway lines (paths) to match the airfields taxiway signs.

  1. Do I designate the name of the taxiway through the “Display Name” or “Path Name” inputs to match the signs? (green on graphic)

  2. Do I name the taxiway points or lines?

  3. For merging taxiways, do I name the merge lines with both taxiway names, or just leave blank? (red on graphic)

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  1. Do I designate the name of the taxiway through the “Display Name” or “Path Name” inputs to match the signs? (green on graphic)
    ==> The name of the taxiway should be designated through the “Path Name”.
    ==> Display name is for the name into the scenery editor window

  2. Do I name the taxiway points or lines?
    ==> The taxiway lines (taxiway path), like your screen, green on graphic

  3. For merging taxiways, do I name the merge lines with both taxiway names, or just leave blank? (red on graphic)
    ==> A3 or A, it doesn’t matter. As long as the editing logic is preserved. In the example, both curves must have the same name.
    ==> For complex areas, you can simplify the taxiway path (by a cross for example) and do the curves using painted lines, example below at Sydney (red = taxiway path, green = painted lines). Our system automatically connects a painted line to a taxiway path when they overlap + auto-generates curves for the entire AI part (trafic).


This is a phenomenal explanation! I’ve never really worked with taxiway names prior to WorldHub, so this is a good learning point.

I also ended up downloading an already approved project to see the breakout with a similar taxiway layout, and tried to reflect the naming convention/selection to match my submission. I’m pretty sure I followed this exact format.

This will be a great resource for others who might have the same issue. Thank you for the help.

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Awesome post. Very useful. Thanks to the OP as well to bring the topic.

Found also very helpful from the Scenery Editor window: Rendering - Show Taxi names

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