Bug description:
At some point after the airac update the world hub airports in the Dominican Republic got rolled back to WU16 state. Initially, I thought it had to do with an SU15 beta update but I just tested it with the current live build of the sim and the issue persists. So far I’ve identified the rollback with MDST, MDJB, and MDLR from the original AIRAC update.
Update: more users are reporting the same issue in other parts of the world
Repro steps:
Open the sim and check the world map for airport layouts not matching current World Hub published versions
I had several submissions change status to “PUBLISHED,” which I think means they should be in the sim, but none are showing my changes, so count my voice in the fray.
I don’t think so. “Published” airports will not show up in the sim immediately. It does take an update to make them available, so the airports that got marked as “published” a couple of days ago will probably be pushed to the users with the next NavBlue update (cycle 2403), which is due this week, I think.
This thread is about the airports from “the first batch” that were published and pushed with the navdata cycle 2402 about three weeks ago. The updated airports were in the sim for a while, but now they’re back to their old state again.
What’s confusing: according to the News & Announcements section of the forum, non-SU15-beta users did not receive an update that could’ve rolled back the changes. The only update since 2402 was a “small server-side update”. Weird, huh?
I can confirm that my updated EDDP in MSFS on the PC (no beta participation!) is rolled back.
Another odd thing is, that many of my recent editions are listed as “published” while there was no official announcement of a second batch. They should read “approved” instead.
After verification, there were no direct changes to the airports in the first WorldHub batch (updated with ARINC cycle 2402).
The current beta version of SU15 did not have this update, so it’s normal that the changes are not in game.
We plan to update the game with a second batch of airports with Sim Update 15.
Regarding the “Published” status on the WorldHub, this just means that we’ve frozen the batch and that it’s integrated into our working environment. There will be a communication to announce their availability in game.
A second batch of WorldHub airports was received yesterday, but when I tried some of the airports in the first batch I found they have not been updated yet. Will that occur with the public release of SU15?
Some people might see the list of first batch airports and not realize there was a problem that caused a rollback. They might figure the WorldHub really is not making things any better.
The only airport I submitted (LIAP), is listed as “Published” in my Profile, it appeared when the 1st batch was released, then it disappeared in a subsequent beta, and is currently still missing in the sim.
Well, I guess this really is an Alpha, so we should anticipate that there might be problems. Hopefully they will be resolved soon. At least, things on the creation end of the process seem to be working smoothly.
Now here’s something interesting, I just logged in to check on my airports, and the second batch ones are updated while the batch 1’s are still in pre beta state
Well the day has arrived and I’m still missing the modifications from the first batch of world hub airports, the later batches are there which is even more confusing to me, during the beta every time there was an Airac update the first batch showed up only to be removed by any patch of the beta, now that the full release is here I got nothing
In my case I noticed MDST, MDJB so far which were part of batch one, all other airports in that area that were part of batch 2 are working and looking great.
According to another report, KMDW (also released 22 February) (three more hyperlinks almost in a row) also reverted with SU 15. (Note: I expect a new version of KMDW to be published with the next AIRAC cycle. However, it looks like submission 109937 got removed.