Release Drop Tank X - Events - working?

How does the drop tank work - does it even work?

There seems to be no way to check an AVar if a tank has been jettisoned or not.

@Nocturne Please describe what happens with these events. and the associated AVars affected.

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Let’s just say it’s not marked as such.

Deprecated, or legacy. It got one developer to think there is a way to use this event.

From experience, if it’s not implemented on one of the default plane or doesn’t work at a generic scale, it’s just legacy stuff. It’s stunning that those are still in the docs 3 years after release


This has been logged our backlog,
Thank you.



Just to add some further details, this is indeed a legacy feature and it is partially supported in MSFS 2020.

Affected tanks will be External1 and External2 when using the legacy fuel system, and the first 2 tanks declaring a DropTimer setting with the new fuel system.

First key event call arms the fuel tank dropping system, second call actually drops the tank(s) (it just sets the fuel quantity to 0).
When using the new fuel system, the second call must occur within 3 seconds, otherwise the system is disarmed.
Calls are processed only if g force is positive.
There are no events or simvars to track the state of this system and key events are not exposed in the controls options.
Also, the tank(s) will remain available and can be refilled.

So there is a basic implementation but you probably want to have your own implementation if you plan to support external droppable tanks.
