As the topic suggests, editing points of aprons or pretty much anything that
has points causes CTDs, very often. It’s quite difficult to work with if you
ask me. There is a similar topic on this issue and it says this was fixed in
SU6. Well, it’s broken again. CTD also happens when closing an apron.
Hello @pyreegue , Please see [this
bug-or-crash.html) and send us a full dump file, Can you also try to switch to
DX12 and tell us if it’s better or not ? Thanks Regards, Boris
Have a friend with similar issue as yours He was working with the SIM in
window mode with the project Editor tools in another screen Some other guys
had the same issue working with render scale different that 100 and in sim
resolution different than native Windows one They solved with fullscreen,
render scale at 100 and native resolution. Also having both transparent and
opaque window of the scenery editor caused to me some instability back in the
first days Hope can help
Will test on DX12.
Thank you for your contribution, mamu. I believe all my settings are as you’ve
I was dealing with this too, a lot, here are some things I did to solve it:
- looked at all the lines, taxiway points and paths and cleaned it up: Make sure there are no “unusual” taxi way points, paths and parkings, for example: don’t have vehicle path in between two taxi way paths.
- Turn off Hardware accelerated GPU scheduling in windows Graphic settings (if you got that enabled)
- Keep your Nvidia driver settings as default as possible
(DX12 didn’t change anything for me)
I appreciate your help but all this “Turn off this, that, update the drivers”
is fsx-ish setting games. I’m running latest drivers with proper hardware and
I’m not willing to take guesses on what to disable so that the editor doesn’t
crash. It works great with one update, doesn’t work with the other one.
Looks like working in DX12 does help. Appreciate your advice.
What does “Don’t have vehicle path in between two taxiway paths” mean? Are you
saying in any given set of taxi path lines between nodes, don’t switch from
taxi to vehicle and back to taxi? In order to have fuel work, don’t you have
to connect vehicle taxi paths to taxi paths? I can envision situations where I
would have two sets of taxi paths, and might want to connect them with a
vehicle path. It seems like a rule like this would stifle creativity and
perhaps not allow some things to work properly?
I stopped again my scenery work until SU10 is out because I am getting CTDs if
I move poly or apron points as well. Sometimes before the CTD I receive this
Memory issue popup that many reported. I hope SU10 will stabilize again the
Dev Mode.