SDK Crashes on Scenery Build

SDK Version: 1.1.2
Frequency: Consistently
Severity: Blocker
Marketplace package name: if applicable

Context: I’m loading my custom scenery for Big Bear Airport (L35)

Similar MSFS 2020 issue: insert url here if applicable

Bug description: I load my custom scenery and click the “Build All” button. I’m in the very beginning stages of the build. All I’ve done is added some Vector Placements for fencing. The console states I have 349 errors.

Repro steps:
1.: Click the build button (any one)
2.: The screen freezes, then crashes to the desktop.


Private attachments: Send a PM to @PrivateContent with the link to this topic and the link to download your content


This issue is caused by the release notes in your project (the month “12” triggers a CTD).
We have already logged this as an issue, and it should be resolved in a future update.

In the meantime, you can work around this by removing the release notes from the “Release Notes” section in the Project Inspector.


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I also noticed that the version inputs aren’t properly visible.
