Seeking clarification on 'Shadow Sphere' and light Bleed in MSFS2024


I am facing issues with light bleed due to the ‘Shadow Sphere’ in my new native 2024 aircraft project. I notice that the ‘Shadow Sphere’ debug window has been removed, a configuration set up in the aircraft’s camera system as in 2020 doesn’t seem to be having any effect.

The light bleeding is occuring only on materials with ‘Blend’ alpha modes, e.g glass within the cockpit.

The glass covers in the above image are all the same, while some are illuminated by the sun and others are not. None of them should be given the lighting of the flightdeck.

Is the functionality of the ‘Shadow Sphere’ the same in the new sim?

Many thanks for any help/input.

Sorry to be unhelpful to those having trouble in the future - this issue appears to have resolved itself without me doing anything to fix it intentionally.

Title = shadow ; This is descriptive only, not used by the system
Guid = {728F359F-0894-43F5-862A-F894EA698135} ; Camera definition unique identifier. This GUID must be unique.
Description = "" ; Camera description.
Origin = Center ; Every camera definition must have an origin that defines the object or point on which the camera is oriented.
MomentumEffect = 1 ; Controls whether the camera exhibits momentum effect. This is determined by the settings in the Dynamic Head Movement section.
SnapPbhAdjust = Swivel ; These settings control how camera movement is handled when the camera system receives a view pan or �snap to� command.
SnapPbhReturn = 0 ; If true, camera position returns to its initial position when the snap movement command key is released.
PanPbhAdjust = Swivel ; Same range of options as snappbhadjust. Always set to Swivel in KH
PanPbhReturn = 0 ; If true, camera position returns to its initial position when the pan movement command key is released.
Track = None ; External cameras have the ability to track a user or AI object. The Track parameter controls this behavior.
ShowAxis = "OFF" ; Determines whether the axis indicator is shown.
AllowZoom = 1 ; Controls whether the camera responds to zoom commands.
InitialZoom = 1 ; [0.0, 512.0] Sets the initial zoom.
SmoothZoomTime = 0.5 ; [0.0, 30.0] The zoom time in seconds. By default, zooming in and out is �smoothed� by changing between old and new zoom levels over a small time period (5 seconds). This setting enables you to control this effect on a per-camera basis.
ZoomPanScalar = 1 ; [0.0, 100.0] Movement is scaled by dividing the ZoomPanScalar value by the zoom level.
ShowWeather = 1 ; Determines whether weather visuals are shown.
XyzAdjust = 1 ; Controls whether the camera responds to position change commands.
ShowLensFlare = 0 ; Determines whether lens flare effect can be shown (based on user setting).
Category = Cockpit ; Every camera definition must include a category that defines how the camera is exposed in the user interface. Categories define the view cycling behavior(S and A keys) as well as the menu structure. Some categories (AirTraffic, Runway, Multiplayer and Tower) can also be instance-based, meaning new cameras are created automatically based on the object type.
SubCategory = Shadow Center
SubCategoryItem = None
PitchPanRate = 20 ; [0.0, 100.0] Controls the rate at which pitch is changed in degrees per second.
HeadingPanRate = 60 ; [0.0, 100.0] Controls the rate at which heading is changed in degrees per second.
InitialXyz = 0,1.068964,13.084424 ; All values are in meters, -500.0 to 500.0 (for each of the three). Camera XYZ position offset from the default location in meters.
InitialPbh = 0,0,0 ; All values are in degrees, -90 to 90.0 (pitch), -180 to 180.0 (bank and heading). Camera pitch, bank and heading orientation offset from the default in degrees. Note that positive pitches give a downward view. Positive headings are to the right.
;[REMOVED]NodesToHide = "" ; Allows to hide one or several node while showing this camera. This is useful to hide the Yoke in camera instrument, for example.
ClipMode = Normal ; Normal - Minimum - Spot - Tower.
BoundingBoxRadius = 4.921 ; Radius of the Camera in meters: you can use it as a bounding box.
UITitle = ""
ChaseDistance = 0
ChaseHeading = 0
ChaseAltitude = 0
ChaseTime = 10
ChaseDistanceAdjustRate = 5
HotKeySelect = 10
external_camera_follows_heading = 19.4
external_camera_follows_velocity = 48.599998
InstancedBased = 0
NoSortTitle = 0
Transition = 0
CycleHidden = 0
CycleHideRadius = 0
ShowPanel = 0
TargetCategory = None
PanAcceleratorTime = 5
XYZRate = 0.25
XYZAcceleratorTime = 0
VarToggle = ""