We’ve noticed that the JS APIs for fetching navdata (e.g.
Coherent.call('LOAD_INTERSECTION, …) has issues loading waypoints of SIDS
and STARS in 3rd party airports that (presumably) provide their own navdata.
In the screenshots there are some examples from the iniScene EGLL, it seems
like all planes using this API are affected. The A310 however loads all the
waypoints fine, which brought me to the assumption that only the JavaScript
API is affected by this issue. When removing the airport, all the waypoints
load correctly again.I cannot tell when this issue exactly started but it
probably was around SU11.
We are getting reports from customers saying the SIDs and STARs disappeared
from our airport after an update that went live last Thursday. We verified and
we did not exclude those in the project and never have in older version. We
thought it could be related to the AIRAC not being up to date in the
Hello @saschl, @vpilot
Can you confirm this is solved with the latest AAU1 Beta update 1.30.12?
Hi @dga I do not think this is quite solved yet. I just
conducted a quick test with the G1000 and the “default enhanced” LFMN and
seeing a lot of “Facility could not be loaded” errors in the debugger and some
missing waypoints (see attached
After removing the scenery in the content manager (and a sim restart), the
errors are gone and the departure is loading correctly.
How is the iniScene EGLL for you?
Huh, that one seems to work just fine No errors and procedures are loading
Hello @saschl This one comes from the LFMN airport
having the deletion flag for waypoints enabled. The issue was reported. Let us
know if you see any other similar example. Regards, Sylvain
Thanks @FlyingRaccoon I will report if I find further cases. Just for my
understanding, to have this fixed it will require an update of the airport,
correct? Regards, Sascha
Yes, it will. No ETA on the fix but I can bump this post when it’s released.
Regards, Sylvain