I continue to have sim freezes almost every flight with the PMDG aircraft during climb. I have tried with and without TCAS on and continue to get sinm freezes no matter if TCAS is on or off. These will occur almost every flight during climb or right at or after level off altitude. PMDG came out with what they thought was a fix, I did the updates and I still continue to get these and cannot complete a flight. Very rarely do I get to continue a flight and land at my destination.
Hello @JETJOCKEY114,
Since the issue you’re reporting has nothing to do with the SDK or the DevMode, you would better report the issue on the MSFS General Forums or on the MSFS Zendesk support page.
This, the DevSupport forum, is the place specifically for 3rd party developers (myself included), for support with the SDK and DevMode, and technical issues with the sim that can cause an impact to 3rd-party devs and their work.
Carlos Gonzalez
NextGen Simulations