SimAttachments and custom instrument packages

Version: v1.1.9.0 (MSFS 2024)

Frequency: Always

Severity: Blocker

Similar MSFS 2020 issue: No, as 2020 did not have SimAttachments

Context: A missing SimAttachment blocks the entire aircraft from loading

Attachments: N/A, but can be provided upon request

Bug description:

As MSFS 2024 brings the new SimAttachments of instrument type, we have started looking into how they may best benefit our projects.

There seems to be a core issue when an instrument package is missing, but it is assigned as a SimAttachment to the aircraft add-on, then the entire aircraft add-on is not loaded. This can be seen in the dev console.

This is sort of counter-intuitive, as not all add-on aircraft users would have our package, so we need to find a solution for the SimAttachment to continue loading the aircraft, even if our package is not present.
Essentially, could we have a attached_objects.cfg option for a specified package, to mark the package as optional and for MSFS 2024 to continue loading the aircraft if the SimAttachment does not exist?

Thank you,
TDS Sim Software



Is it possible to please have this looked over? This is a great idea on using SimAttachments for their intended use and would greatly help us and other add-on developers in the future!

Thank you.

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Is there an update on this issue?

Thank you,

Hello @tiberiu11

The intended design is to create 2 presets in this case, one with the attachment and one without. In the case it’s missing, the preset without the attachment will always be available.
I don’t think optional attachments have been considered so far, as we never needed to have that many presets.
What is the drawback of this approach for you?
