Context: SIMCONNECT_DATA_FACILITY_AIRPORT does not contain Region code
Attachments: N/A, but can be provided upon request
Bug description:
SIMCONNECT_DATA_FACILITY_AIRPORT does not contain the Regiont code, the string is empty.
at least using c# interface for both RequestFacilitiesList or RequestFacilitiesList_EX1
I also looked at the raw bytes returned in entries and no Region code was found at other locations
Repro: Issue request and review the resulting data
As the FacilityData query requires a Region code this adds quite a workload and potential errors at customer site when one wants to use these features.
Hence impact is considered High
Seems not to be required for airports (according to SDK Doc)
VOR, NDB, WAYPOINT LISTs provide the Region code
Did not check with MSFS2020 so far, if done I’ll post it here
You don’t have the region for any of the returned entries or only for some of them?
Airports seem to be fine for me, but this request also returns heliports on MSFS 2024 and they don’t seem to have region defined.
Only a subset of airports have the region code defined. The information is not available for those without IFR navigation data. It could also be lost in cases where the “airport” containing the navigation data is deleted by an airport scenery.
That’s right. Some light aviation airdromes that are not coming from AIRAC data but are aggregated from other sources are missing this information as well.
Closing this as by design as the Facilities API is not to blame here and the issue with airport and heliport missing a region code comes from the navigation data itself.