Simconnect FUELSYSTEM simvars

I’ve been trying to access the simvar “FUELSYSTEM TANK WEIGHT:index”…

This does work on some aircraft (e.g. the C408 or the C90X) but the majority either return 0 or simply don’t update from a prior value… also the ‘NEW FUEL SYSTEM’ var appears to return 0 in ALL cases so I cannot use this to judge whether those vars are likely to be even remotely useful… but they’re not useful on default FS24 aircraft consistently even… (A321LR, A400, A330 all do not return useful values with them).

I haven’t taken the time to test this in 2020 as of yet but this is a somewhat important issue as there are aircraft that do not map to or have too many tanks to rely on the “old” system for interacting with the fuel tanks either.

Hello @Marajin360

There is indeed a problem with the NEW FUEL SYSTEM always returning 0.
FUELSYSTEM TANK WEIGHT seems ok. Not all 2024 aircraft packages are using the new fuel system, some are still relying on the old one.


Yes, you are correct it works correctly if the aircraft supports it but since we cannot judge whether an aircraft supports it with that var being stuck always returning 0, that is still an issue.

I actually encountered a secondary issue with this too… Accessing those vars on fast cycle actively triggers stuttering and freezing in the sim, which will increase in intensity over time.

That’s worth creating a dedicated report I think, providing more details on how you access those simvars.
