We have access to the Blender Simplygon addon:
Simplygon for Blender
plot twist, the license has 1 year duration
once expired, is gonna be a quite expensive tool
Hopefully this is actually Microsoft providing us a license and not just an oversight. Would be nice to have a license we can actually use for this tool again. Makes sense that they would provide one since Simpygon is a Microsoft company. They have to know that 99% of their 3rd party developers can’t afford a Simplygon license.
Even at their offer of 85% off ($5,250 USD/yr)…
Although, I still get better results doing LODs by hand. Just takes longer. Simplygon does have some great workflow tools that I have missed though!
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I would guess the plan would be to issue another license at the end of 2025, good for another year. Or maybe not.