SimVar sounds

Trying to program in a battery hum for the plane I’m working on and can get it
o work. In Wwise I have the event labeled as
Play_Ouroboros_Jets_E170_BatteryRun with the audio file in it. In the sound
xml under the simvar section I have the code written as My first time ever
doing sound design for a project and I don’t know if what I’m doing wrong is
in the code or in Wwise. If anyone spots a problems let me know how to fix it

Hello, Your xml section looks fine. Hard to tell where the issue is coming
from just knowing this. To help you making sure you’ve not missed any step,
have you checked the video tutorial available through the dev menu ? Help

Also, our documentation on the sound configuration is pretty much complete and
the DA62 sample gives you a good example. Sounds

Regards, Sylvain