Sonic boom - supersonic sound effects (WWise)

I cannot replicate the supersonic sound effects heard in the Super Hornet -
can we have some more information on how to add sonic boom / shockwave effects
to other planes?

Hello @Indiafoxtecho You want to use the SONIC_BOOM MiscellaneousEvent:
Sound Definitions

You will have to create a corresponding Wwise event in your soundbank.
Regards, Sylvain

Thanks, correct…that is what I understood from the SDK… but does not seem
to work for me (no sound playing even if the event was associated). Also, it
is not clear what the SONIC BOOM Wwise event should contain… just a sample
of the “bang”? Is it expected that using this event will simulate the sound
wave speed (i.e. not hearing the whine from the front side of the aircraft)?
To do this I have associated the whine sound to the Mach speed… and it
works, but is this the way we should follow?

Hello @Indiafoxtecho There is a mach cone simulated by the game. With the
sound event definition shown above and a corresponding wwise event in your
soundbank, this should be enough to play the “bang” sound when the camera
enters the mach cone. If that’s still not enough, there must be an issue in
your config. I can investigate if you provide me with your package.
Additionally, you want to use the mach cone rtpc with your other sound events
like engine sound so that they are also affected by the mach cone.
<RTPC And Simulation Variables
environment-game-parameter> Regards, Sylvain

@FlyingRaccoon I think I have it working now, thank you. I believe the problem
was the fact that I was using an old WWise project file, taken from a previous
SDK. This did not have, for example, the Mach cone variables.

Yes, we update it on a regular basis so that’s something that can be
necessary. @Nocturne We can probably add a note about this in the doc and
remind people they need to update their wwise project to benefit from new