Hi. I can’t figure out how to add sound to static simobject. I’ve tried to add
fake animation and attach sound to animation, but it didn’t work. I’ve tried
custom simvars (Z:), nothing. Is there any way to add sound to static
simobject, or maybe someone have an example of it?
Hello @PuffinFlight Can you show us the
content of your sound.xml file? Regards, Sylvain
I don’t have it anymore as I’ve tried many ways and had to release my
fireworks without sound but it was something like this:
1. xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
2. SimVersion="1.0">
4. 5. Name="PuF_Fireworks_ai"/>
6. 7.
8. 9. WwiseData="true" ViewPoint="All" WwiseEvent="StartFireworks" />
10. 11.
12. 13. WwiseData="true" WwiseEvent="StartFireworks" FadeOutType="2" FadeOutTime="1" Units="BOOL">
14. LowerBound="1" />
16. 17.
Because I have no idea if my soundbank is prepared as it should be I’ve tried
with the soundbanks from the sim, by copying the aircraft soundbank and trying
to trigger it but with no success.
The xml seems ok. Your wwise event is named
Play_PuF_Fireworks_ai_StartFireworks , right ? You’re not the first one to
struggle with sound on static objects. I’ll run my own tests when I find some
time. Regards, Sylvain
Yes, the event is Play_PuF_Fireworks_ai_StartFireworks. TBH I’m still not
entirely sure if my soundpack is prepared correctly (I play it through
env_ambience output bus). Also, I do want to trigger this sound with custom
Z:var. Maybe only normal (A) and local (L) vars are compatible with sound?
Thanks for the help, Sylvain.
Hello @PuffinFlight Your ****section needs the
Simvar attribute to be set when using
you check that? Regarding your AnimationSounds, what is your model.xml looking
like? Regards, Sylvain