Special Edition Download Versions of Products for MSFS 2024

I was wondering, if it were possible to make clones of our MSFS 2020 planes that would be adjusted for MSFS 2024…

These are sold in the Marketplace in MSFS…

But… We would then have 2 each. They bought one, and I would be creating a secondary version that is adjusted to work fine in 2024.

But how would the ‘system’ at Marketplace be able to handle that…?

If there was a system created that could say 'if they bought ‘this plane’ then they can download a ‘modified version’ free. But for 2020 people, it would remain the same, the older version.

Could that be done? Can it use an existing ‘way’ of purchasing routing? Does something like this, a purchasing structure like this pre-exist in the XBox store world in other games that we could adapt here?

Then I could have fixes and adjustments that are only for 2024 for 2024 users, and a version for 2020 users…


I believe this is the “upgrade” system that has been talked about, and will be available in MSFS 2024.

If we (devs) modify an addon with 2024 SDK, it can be published as an upgrade, and we can decide to make it available for free or charge a fee to upgrade from the 2020 version for those who owned it in 2020.

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