Start positions in wrong place

In my two new 2024 airport mods so far, all the start positions are about 50 yards down the runway. In the Delete section of the airport configuration, I have checked the boxes to delete the runways, taxiways, starts, etc. In the editor they stay where I placed them. However, in the compiled version they have moved down the runway. Bug?

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Can confirm. Even in FS20 the start position weren’t respected properly. In FS24 it’s worst. I think it has to do with the AI thing they do with the aircraft starting at a hold short and taxiing out to the start position. If i choose a runway start position it should just start me on the runway, precisely where i put the runway start, no fancy animation business please asobo.

A bit of a shame. Often, it’s very obvious with Google Earth where the runway Start really is.