Static SimObject folder?


I need help… again.

I have some SimObjects in my airport sceneries. They are static objects, they have been put as a SimObjects because they have conditional materials. (They appear on a certain time of the year).
The package works fine but as soon as I add Marketplace data to the package the build process says validation failed. Interestingly the problem occours only when I want to build the marketplace data, when I build the whole project it does not give any error. The error message says, unlisted file “sim.cfg” and in the extra section it gives me a link to the SDK documentation SimObject Folder structure. Its driving me crazy now.
Could you please help what is the problem here?

Could it be that in the output folder I use the “SimObject\misc” folder? If yes for static objects what would be the appropriate one?

Hello @LHSimulations,

I didn’t encounter any errors while building the project you sent to me. I suggest you use the ‘Clean All’ function first and then try again


Have you trued to build the marketplace data too?

Because building the package works but the marketplace data is not built.

You’re right; I was only building the project, not the marketplace data.

This issue is currently under investigation

In the meantime, it appears that the ‘Build & Export → Marketplace’ does recognize the file and the changes I made in the marketplace data.

Therefore, this shouldn’t be a blocker for exporting your project to the marketplace.


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