Status of SimConnect_FlightSave function? Still not working correctly

The SimConnect_FLightSave function is still documented as " NOTE : The current status of this function is NO ERROR, NO RESPONSE.", which I undrstand to mean that this function is still not working correctly.

I have many users of my application (FSUIPC7) that rely in this function for the auto-save feature of my application. This functions seems to work for a lot of users/aircraft, but I am continually getting support requests on problems when loading a flight (using SimConnect_FlightLoad, documented as working). Issues include:

  • an MSFS CTD when trying to load a flight saved with this function
  • incorrect altidude of the aircraft when reloading a flight saved with this function
    These issues are reported both when loading the flight using my app (via the SimConnect_FlightLoad function), and when loading from the MSFS UI.

I have not reported any of these issue up till now as I was waiting for this function to be documented as working. But it has now been 4 years since release, with MSFS2024 on the horizon, so I was wondering

  • will this function ever be available as working in MSFS2020?
  • should I report issues when using this function, even though it is not documented as working? And if so, what information is required - just the *.FLT file?



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