[SU10b] CTD when closing project and exiting to main menu

To reproduce: Load the package in the scenery editor, wait for it to
completely load. Close package from the SDK menu Enter the options menu, click
on exit to main menu It will crash to the desktop 100% of the time. Fix: Don’t
close the project, just press escape and exit the main menu, this will work.

Hi @HybridNZ , I was not able to reproduce this issue, Can you send us a full
dump file please ? See [this
bug-or-crash.html) Also, do you have this behavior with other projects ?
Regards, Boris

Hello @HybridNZ We identified the problem and have a fix. I’m unable to tell
if the fix will make it into SU10 though. Can you confirm it’s a low
occurrence problem? We only found 2 occurrences of this crash in our automated
crash report system. Regards, Sylvain

Hey @FlyingRaccoon Good stuff, no problems its not a show stopper however it
does happen all the time when closing the project and exiting to the menu. At
the moment we don’t close the project we just exit to the menu or plan out how
/ when we build from the menu. So we have a workaround for now. It happens
100% of the time for us. One side question: Does the command-line build
utility currently work? We thought we were having issues where sometimes the
command-line build would disconnect jetways from the parking positions so we
stopped using it and continued building from the menu. It would be awesome to
have command line working again as we can build from a secondary machine to
our server. Happy to open a different ticket if you want.

I’ll keep an eye on this particular crash and see if other people are
impacted. Command line uses the game exe to build the package so the code
executed is exactly the same. What changes is the context. We have a few
issues, especially with MS Store versions where the Store launcher will
interfere with the process but nothing I’m aware of regarding jetways. Please
post a dedicated question if you have an issue with it and we’ll have a look.
Regards, Sylvain

No worries thanks for that. RE commandline builder great to know, thanks. Re
jetways, when we come up for air on this scenery ill take a bit more time to
write something up properly. Thanks again.

I’ve got a similar issue in SU12 now. From one project, MSFS crashes when I
“Close the project”/select “escape”/“Main menu”/“Continue” about 85% of the
time. It only occurs in this one project, which is a new airport. Airport
saves and compiles fine, and works in MSFS, I just get a crash when attempting
to exit the Scenery Editor and go to the Main Menu. The airport is a new
(fictional), very small seaplane base airport not existing in the default
scenery database. scenery-me-flyingscool-me56-birches-
It does somewhat depend on
this airport I did being installed in Community as well for changes to the
surrounding foliage. scenery-me-flyingscool-me22-avery-
I have no issues editing
this airport.