[SU12 Beta] Localization cameras seems to be broken

Trying to set a camera UITitle -

      1. created localization file in folder with:
  3. {
  4.   "LocalisationFile": {
  5.     "Version": 2,
  6.     "UUID": "493054e7-be0c-4cdb-80a6-e75aa31770a4",
  7.     "Languages": [
  8.       "en-US",
  9.       "fr-FR"
  10.     ],
  11.     "Strings": {
  13.         "UUID": "75180d46-5ee2-47af-8123-b895f84cb6c0",
  14.         "LastModifiedBy": "Ron",
  15.         "LastModifiedDate": "2023-03-05 09:55:11",
  16.         "LocalizationStatus": "PlaceHolder",
  17.         "Languages": {
  18.           "en-US": {
  19.             "Text": "Test_01",
  20.             "LocalizationStatus": "TranslationNeeded",
  21.             "LastModifiedDate": "2023-03-05 09:55:05"
  22.           },
  23.           "fr-FR": {
  24.             "Text": "Test_02",
  25.             "LocalizationStatus": "TranslationNeeded",
  26.             "LastModifiedDate": "2023-03-05 09:55:11"
  27.           }
  28.         }
  29.       }
  30.     }
  31.   }
  32. }

      1. then loc pack:
  3. {
  4.   "LocalisationPackage": {
  5.     "Language": "en-US",
  6.     "Strings": {
  7.       "AIRCRAFT.DESCRIPTION": "The Diamond DA40 ",
  8.       "GAME.BR_PANEL_CAMERA_INSTRUMENTS_01": "Test_01"
  9.     }
  10.   }
  11. }


      1. Title ="Instruments01"
  2. Guid ="{F0035202-866D-4F4F-AB82-7DF96E4035AE}"
  3. Description =""
  4. Origin ="Virtual Cockpit"
  7. .... mising text 

then sim:

Can confirm this is broken prior to this beta.

@OzWookiee , Thank you for pointing out this
issue, I’ve added an item to our Backlog about it, Regards, Boris

@DA40CGDFQ I just checked and you can make it
work by using : " @package-name," before TT: Example :

      1. @asobo-aircraft-da62-sdk,TT:AIRCRAFT.COCKPIT_CAMERATEST

in the UI Title. Hope it helps, Regards, Boris

could be more specific - you say @package-name (a macro) but the example is
@asobo-aircraft-da62-sdk, is this in the camera.cfg?

@DA40CGDFQ , asobo-aircraft-da62-sdk is the
package name of the sample DA62 sdk. If your package name is mycompany-
, you would put " @mycompany-aircraft-toto, " before TT.
You can either put this in the Aircraft Editor > Camera > Ui Title
corresponding to your camera or in the camera.cfg UITitle=“@mycompany-

Regards, Boris

ok this works, however there is now an inconsistancy with quotes. without the
@ modification, the AE saves with quotes. with the @ modifier it save without
quotes. The @ one has no quotes, the instrument02 is changed to 03, has

  2. Title ="Instruments01"
  3. Guid ="{F0035202-866D-4F4F-AB82-7DF96E4035AE}"
  4. Description =""
  6.   missing data
  8. UITitle=@ihit-aircraft-diamondstar,TT:GAME.BR_PANEL_CAMERA_INSTRUMENTS_01
  9. TargetCategory="None"
  10. CycleHidden=0
  11. CycleHideRadius=0
  12. ShowPanel=0
  13. InstancedBased=0
  14. NoSortTitle=0
  15. Transition=0
  16. PanAcceleratorTime=5
  17. XYZRate=0.25
  18. XYZAcceleratorTime=0
  21. Title ="Instruments02"
  22. Guid ="{4028EF48-B41A-4FFB-B47C-E9E5D47657FF}"
  23. Description =""
  25. missing data 
  28. TargetCategory="None"
  29. CycleHidden=0
  30. CycleHideRadius=0
  31. ShowPanel=0
  32. InstancedBased=0
  33. NoSortTitle=0
  34. Transition=0
  35. PanAcceleratorTime=5
  36. XYZRate=0.25
  37. XYZAcceleratorTime=0

Why the difference here compared to XML? Or is this a new requirement for XML
as well? Can we please ensure that this is documented for ALL developers?

Hello @DA40CGDFQ Have you done this test in the
current stable version of the sim? In SU12 beta, I have this :

  2. Title = "New Camera"
  3. UITitle = "@asobo-aircraft-da62-sdk,TT:AIRCRAFT.COCKPIT_CAMERATEST" 

Regards, Boris

i’m in SU12 Beta, and used AE as the input. I did not use a text editor. First
I input in AE with quotes, that did not work, then I added without quotes, and
did a save resynch. then worked.

ok retried again this morning and now get quotes as expected. issue closed.

That’s an interesting example to use, I don’t see that anywhere in the
definition of the DA62 sample model? it appears to actually be
@DA62_SDK_AIRCRAFT? Is this going to be a normal thing? that the package name
be used hardcoded into items? I’m confused as to which is the package name. Is
it the name of the directory containing the whole package, or the directory
the VFS sees… the directory in the SimObjects\Airplanes? If it’s the package
directory, doing this is going to cause problems for me. It’s really important
to me that my Community directory be organized. So I rename the package
container directories by type, like aircraft–blah and scenery-nh–blah and
objlib–blah. (Technically, I wish author was the last item in the name, but
that’s not important). So if the package directory name is hardcoded into
files in the package, I’m not going to be able to keep my Community directory
organized. Makes me very, very sad. I so wish we could put packages in
directories in the Community directory like we used to in all prior versions
of FS. That would help a little bit (I still hate organizing the directories
by author).

I’m very confused now. Is this Cameras.cfg specific? Or variable specific? In
aircraft.cfg I’m having a similar problem. If I create local localization file
en-US.locPak in the root directory of the base aircraft package (and add it to
the layout.json),

      1. {
  2.   "LocalisationPackage": {
  3.     "Language": "en-US",
  4.     "Strings": {
  5.       "AIRCRAFT.DESCRIPTION": "some description text here",
  6.       "AIRCRAFT.UI_MANUFACTURER": "Spartan",
  7.       "AIRCRAFT.UI_MODEL": "Executive",
  8.       "ATCCOM.ATC_NAME SPARTAN.0.text": "Spartan",
  9.       "ATCCOM.ATC_NAME SPARTAN.0.tts": "Spartan",
  10.       "ATCCOM.AC_MODEL EXECUTIVE.0.text": "Executive",
  11.       "ATCCOM.AC_MODEL EXECUTIVE.0.tts": "Executive"
  12.     }
  13.   }
  14. }

and in the aircraft.cfg I put

      1. [VERSION]
  2. major = 1
  3. minor = 0
  5. [GENERAL]
  6. atc_type ="TT:ATCCOM.ATC_NAME SPARTAN.0.text"
  7. atc_model ="TT:ATCCOM.AC_MODEL EXECUTIVE.0.text"
  9. .....( _other stuff here_ )
  11. [fltsim.0]
  12. title="Spartan Executive N123456"
  13. model=""
  14. panel=""
  15. sound=""
  16. texture="N123456"
  17. kb_checklists=""
  18. kb_reference=""
  19. ui_manufacturer="TT:AIRCRAFT.UI_MANUFACTURER"
  20. ui_type="TT:AIRCRAFT.UI_MODEL"
  21. ui_variation="N123456"
  22. ui_typerole="Single Engine Prop"
  23. ui_createdby="FlyingsCool"
  24. description="TT:AIRCRAFT.DESCRIPTION"

I find the the description, ui_model, and ui_manufacturer variables work (as
well as any clickspot names and other stuff), but the ATTCOM variables don’t
work (I swear this worked prior to SU12, maybe SU10 timeframe last time I
noticed?, but maybe I’m mistaken. I still have some testing to do). You’re
saying I need to add the @ package_directory_name in front of the TT for the
ATTCOM variables, but not the others? As I said, I still have to do some
testing, but, I swear if I do all this in a livery, even overriding what’s in
the base package, it works straight out without the addition of the package
name prior to TT. Is this base package specific? Again, I might be wrong.