Hello everyone.
The SU14 flighting version of the game is now available.
The SDK 0.23.0 and flighting documentation are now available through the DevMode download menu.
Introduction (flightsimulator.com)
You can post in the Questions & Community Discussions section to discuss this new version and ask for more information, using the the new flighting_su14 tag.
A dedicated section has been created to report bugs:
Latest Flighting SU14 - Bug Reports topics - MSFS DevSupport (flightsimulator.com) Game version release notes:
See more information here.
Don’t miss it
An issue with GDI+/NanoVG clipping has been solved. Double check your gauges are still rendering as expected.
Some useful information regarding skid contact points here
And now the preliminary SDK/DevMode release notes:
Developer mode changes
- The Aircraft debug windows stability has been improved.
- The context setting of Material Editor when opening the Scenery Editor.
- The Debug LOD menu has a new option to disable 30Km mesh display limit.
Aircraft Editor / CFG
- Exponential Constant" parameter is added to the Contact Point serialization (it was missed).
- Expert Mode has been added to the editor. Expert Mode eliminates all constraints on the editor regarding conditional fields, required parameters, or array sizes. Only already existing parameters and modified parameters are saved. This mode allows for greater flexibility of the editor but requires more knowledge on how to configure an aircraft.
- New CFG parameters added into the editor.
- Rotation Gizmo for those parameters that can use it.
- An option to delete a parameter from the cfg file, or to reset it to its default value.
VFX Editor
- Visual effect instances not being properly stopped and restarted when the Visual Effects Editor is closed.
- New nodes have been added for maths functions - Abs, Sin, Cos.
- New fixed orientation feature.
SDK changes
- Support for helicopter engine trim control via RPN code.
- New simvar to detect if every water ballast valve in the aircraft is open
- New data is available through NavData API (Pavement, Vasi, Approach Lights).
- SimConnect Input Events shouldn’t crash the sim after going back to main menu (or restarting a flight).
- Ident and region are now two separate fields while requesting Facilities.
- SimConnect Input Events function can now be used while devmode is disabled.
- The Blender Plugin section has been expanded on with two new pages: Blender Plugin Properties, The Blender Exporter
- The new Expert Mode option for the Aircraft Editor has been added to the documentation.
- Documentation added for the SimVar GEAR SKIDDING FACTOR.
- A Notes On Skids section has been added to the page on Contact Points.
- A new parameter for Contact Points has been documented: Set Max Compression, set_max_compression.
- The SimConnect_AddToFacilityDefinition page has been updated with new structs for PAVEMENT, APPROACHLIGHTS, and VASI. The SIMCONNECT_FACILITY_DATA_TYPE has also been updated to include these new data structures.
- New debug option Enable Mesh Display Distance has been documented.
- Documentation of FLT file InteractivePoints.N has been added.
- The new Aircraft Editor RMB Menu has been added to the documentation.
- The ROTOR CHIP DETECTED and ROTOR TEMPERATURE SimVars have been correctly flagged as deprecated.
- The description for prop_mod_use_absorbed_torque and Use Partial Modern Propeller Model has been updated to correct erroneous information.
- The Bundles And Packs documentation has been updated to remove the warning about packs not being accepted on the Marketplace.
- The SIMCONNECT_DATA_FACILITY_AIRPORT documentation has been updated to show a minor change that splits the ICAO into airport identity and region (this change will not affect add-ons using the previous single identity string).
- The documentation for positive_g_limit_flaps_up has been updated to include information on what happens if this parameter is omitted.