[SU15] Behaviors Debug - Component Variables and Local Variables have same filter

Version: Flighting SU13 -

Frequency: /Consistently

Severity: Low Very Annoying

Context: BehavioursDEbug

Bug description: The filter in the Local Variables transfers to the Component Variables filter textbox

Repro steps: type in something in the local variables filter and then look at the Component variables in the Behaviors tab


Private attachments: Send a PM to @PrivateContent with the link to this topic and the link to download your content

Hello @DA40CGDFQ

I was not able to reproduce this.
Could you please confirm if it has been resolved on your end as well?

Edit: In fact, I just had the issue and logged a new ticket.
Thank for reporting this.

Best regards,

LOL 4 months later - this has been fixed.

Well, as you know, we’ve been very busy. :wink: