[SU15] Electrical anomaly - Avionics bus template

Version: Flighting SU15 - 1.37.4

Frequency: Consistently

Severity: Blocker

Context: Building a Helicopter

Bug description:

Repro steps: Make a copy of an aircraft project, change the copy to helicopter. Have the
ASOBO_ELECTRICAL_Switch_Avionics_Bus_Template template control an avionics switch.

I have two projects, one is an aircraft and one is a helicopter… Both have everything the same. The only difference is the aircraft.cfg file. one is a helicopter and one is an single engine prop.

The interior.xml are the same, the systems.cfg is the same. I basically copy one project and made a copy.

Build the aircraft and the avionics bus template works as expected. Bus.1 is connected to bus.2 and the avionics circuit 7.

Build the helicopter and the avionics bus template does not connect the bus.1 to bus.2 and “tries” to enable the avionics circuit 7.

I turn on the switches the same way - Master battery, alternator then avionics.

The battery switch works as expected in both projects, the battery bus.3 connects battery.1 and I have green on the circuits connected to bus.3 CIRCUIT_GENERAL_PANEL is powered.

Turn on the Alternator and the Alternator bus.3 is connected to alternator.1

Turn on the avionics switch in the helicopter and avionics_bus bus.2 should be connected to bus.3, this does not happen and the avionic circuit 7 on bus.2 is RED along with all the other bus.2 circuits.

Turn on the avionics switch in the aircraft and avionics_bus bus.2 is connected to bus.3, the avionic circuit 7 on bus.2 is GREEN along with all the other bus.2 circuits.

File comparisons

All switches off

Battery on

Alternator on

Helicopter - Avionics on

Aircraft avionics ON


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Can anyone confirm this? ASOBO??

Hello @DA40CGDFQ

Yes, this is being reviewed.


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