Context: Helicopter - flight_model.cfg - hstab_pos_vert set to any value - seems locked at zero. Sim Forces debig shows green dots in constant same position vertically. Horizontal works
Bug description:
Repro steps: set flight_model.cfg in helo to any value
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I think there is some sim state that isn’t flushed or something. I was able to move both lon and vert but I had to restart the sim an additional time. So I wasn’t really able to reproduce the issue as stated.
I was able to get the cabri to look like this in sim forces:
If you still have my testhelo project from the other bug report use that. Again long works fine
use_modern_surfaces = 1 ; boolean , set to zero will select legacy helicopter flight model; set to 1 will select modern surface & CFD based flight model
drag_force_cf = 0.15 ; drag coef , drag coefficient of front facing fuselage
side_drag_force_cf = 0.3 ; drag coef , drag coefficient of side facing fuselage
pitch_damp_cf = 1 ; coef , (use_modern_surfaces = 0 only) pitch damping for old flight model
pitch_stability_cf = 1 ; coef , (use_modern_surfaces = 0 only) pitch longitudinal stability for old flight model
roll_damp_cf = 1 ; coef , (use_modern_surfaces = 0 only) rolldamping for old flight model
yaw_damp_cf = 1 ; coef , (use_modern_surfaces = 0 only) yaw damping for old flight model
yaw_stability_cf = 0.1 ; coef , (use_modern_surfaces = 0 only) yaw stability for old flight model
fuselage_position = 0.693106,0.0,-0.48094 ; feet , position of fuselage centre
fuselage_rear_diam_scale = 0.3 ; scalar , scale of rear end of fuselage in relation to the main section
fuselage_rear_pos_vert = 1.5 ; feet , vertial position of rear end of fuselage in relation to the main section
hstab_pos_lon = -21.2 ; feet , longitudinal position of horizontal stabilizer
hstab_pos_vert = 0 ; feet , vertical position of horizontal stabilizer
hstab_span = 4 ; feet , span of horizontal stabilizer
hstab_area = 4 ; square feet , area of horizontal stabilizer
hstab_incidence = 3 ; degrees , incidence of horizontal stabilizer
hstab_lift_coef = 2 ; lift coef , slope of lift coefficient over aoa for horizontal stabilizer
vstab_pos_lon = -21.4 ; feet , longitudinal position of vertical stabilizer
vstab_pos_vert = 4.2 ; feet , vertical position of vertical stabilizer
vstab_span = 6 ; feet , span of vertical stabilizer
vstab_area = 5 ; square feet , area of vertical stabilizer
vstab_incidence = 10 ; degrees , incidence of vertical stabilizer
vstab_lift_coef = 1.5 ; lift coef , slope of lift coefficient over aoa for vertical stabilizer
ok there is even some weird stuff with the long value - make your long zero, where do the stabs position. For me it puts them at the aircraft zero point, not the reference datum point.